Metcalf, Bromley, Shahan, Kuhlthau, Fogelberg, Duncan and Brooks
Metcalf, Bromley, Shahan, Kuhlthau, Fogelberg, Duncan and Brooks
Thirteen of us (classmates & spouses) have just returned from a most enjoyable and entertaining mini-reunion to the Dalmatian Coast (Croatia, Montenegro, & Albania) and Greece (Corfu, Delphi, & Athens). Led by Jock & Jytte Brooks, the group also included Ted & Barbie Bromley, John & Carol Kuhlthau, Ed & Nancy Metcalf, Gene Shahan & Diane Frohling, Bill Duncan & Ann Jackson, and Earl Fogelberg. We learned a lot in general about the Balkan Countries and in particular about Croatia and Greece from our various hikes with local guides, from our visits to museums en route, and from Jock Brooks' lectures to us on Homer's Odyssey and on Greek sculpture. In general a very successful trip was had by all!